White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

8 Colorful Shrubs For A Standout Winter Garden


 With its vibrant blooms and glossy green leaves you can rely on these shrubs for making an amazing winter garden.

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This is a low maintenance shrub that grows bright berries and comes in many varieties and colors like red,golden,orange red.

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Fringe Flower

The lush burgundy foliage that this shrub spread will add amazing texture to your garden.

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Kaleidoscope Abelia

The lush burgundy foliage that this shrub spread will add amazing texture to your garden.

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Oregon Grape

 This plant blooms beautiful and vibrant yellow flowers in winter.

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Winter Jasmine

 This showering shrub can grow up to 4 feet tall and blooms tubular flowers in winter.

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Winter Daphne

 This shrub blooms pink & white aromatic flowers which displays vibrant foliage in winters.

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Pussy Willow

With its silky catkins flowers it gives a unique texture and pleasing touch to your winter garden.

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