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Rosemary Plant Care Tips To Keep in Mind When Planting Indoor

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Rosemary is a favorite herb to plant among gardeners.But it also needs attention when it comes for caring.

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You can plant rosemary in a pot or in outdoor ground. It only needs a bright & dry area to grow.

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Overwatering is the common problem that kills the plant; it only needs water once a week or when the soil feels dry after touching.

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It comes under the mint family and has two varieties that are upright and creeping.

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This perennial plant is drought tolerant and can grow up to six feet tall and four feet wide.

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You can grow rosemary from seeds but purchasing a plant is a more easy and quick way to grow it.

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It is a sun loving shrub that needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight to thrive.

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Rosemary should be planted in a container or pot which has drainage holes and needs a rich soil and sand mixture.

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It doesn't need timely  feeds like other plants; it can thrive in pots without the help of compost.

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You can grow rosemary indoors but the only thing you have to care about is that it gets enough bright light.

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