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White Frame Corner

Plants You Can Easily Grow At Home Without Buying.

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White Frame Corner

You don't need any investment to start your gardening journey, just pinch and plant that's it.

Photo Credit :- flicker

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White Frame Corner

Here are some plants which can be grown with cuttings.

Photo Credit :- flicker

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White Frame Corner

You just pinch some fresh leaves and place them on the soil or wherever you want to grow.

Photo Credit :- flicker


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White Frame Corner

Spray water regularly until new growth is visible. It's that easy to grow succulents.

Photo Credit :- flicker

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First you have to dry the leaves for one day then place them nicely into loose soil.

Photo Credit :- Pexels

Zz Plant

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Root development will start after a week and in a month they are ready to be planted.

Photo Credit :- Pexels

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White Frame Corner

Syngoniums can be found in every gardening enthusiast home.

Photo Credit :- Pexels


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White Frame Corner

Just take baby plants with healthy roots from the mother plant and you have a new plant in your collection.

Photo Credit :- Pinterest

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