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White Frame Corner

8 Reasons Why A Peace Lily’s Leaves Turning Brown


Only give water to your favorite lilies after checking the moisture of soil in the upper layer.

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If yellow leaves start appearing in your plant then it's the sign of underwatering.

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Inadequate Drainage

You must make drainage holes in a pot if not soggy soil leads to root rot.

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Chemically Treated Water

They don't like chemically treated tap water giving them tap water turns leaf edges brown.

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Temperature Extremes

Fluctuating temperatures can impact peace lilies which can cause leaves to turn brown.

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Lack Of Humidity

Using a mister especially during winter will maintain humidity indoors and provide thriving conditions.

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Improper Fertilization

Feed diluted NPK 20-20-20 fertilizer once every 6 weeks during the growing season.

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Incorrect Light

Peace lilies thrives well in bright indirect sunlight too much direct exposure will burn their leaves.

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