The Unexpected Kitchen Ingredient That Keeps Pests Out Of Your Garden  

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Mustard powder naturally gets rid of yard pests.

Natural Repellent

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 It works well to keep aphids from hurting plants.

Control of Aphids

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Mustard powder scares caterpillars away.

Caterpillar Repellant

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Keeps slugs and snails out by making a barrier.

Slug and Snail Barrier

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Helps get rid of nematodes that are bad for the soil

Nematode Management

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Fights illnesses caused by fungi in an organic way.

Organic Fungicide

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Bugs stay away from smells that are too strong.

Insect Repulsion

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Mustard plants keep pests away and help keep things in balance.

Companion planting

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12 Vines That Have Gorgeous Yellow Flowers