White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

How To Winterize Peonies Keep These Beautiful Plants Safe From Cold

Peonies can survive in the hardest winters as they can tolerate temperature to -4 °F .

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If you look for peonies in winter it will prepare them to bloom beautiful flowers in summer.

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By pruning your peonies in winter will help them in restoring the energy that is required to survive in winter.

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Peonies require extra insulation in winter and make sure the soil is nutrient rich and remove dead or diseased stems.

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Give them required moisture and light to make that plant survive through winters.

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Best time for cutting back the peonies' foliage is in late fall.

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Before cutting you should clean the cutting equipment to stop the chances of contamination.

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Cutting the foliage 1 inch above the ground  is okay but be careful you should not damage the crown.

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Applying a thick layer of compost around your peonies will give them sufficient insulation .

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