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Turn One Hoya into a Dozen with These Tips

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Use a mix of perlite and sand that drains well. Fill the pot with water, but don't soak it.

Propagating Hoya from Cuttings

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Cut a healthy stem that is 4-5 inches long and 45 degrees. Take off the lower leaves to see the roots. Take off the lower leaves to see the roots. Fill the pot with water, but don't soak it.

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Plant a cutting and bury a stem that's growing. Keep in a place with a lot of moisture, like a plastic bag or a small greenhouse.

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Place in the morning's indirect light. Water often, but don't water too much. Water often, but don't water too much.

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Check how the roots are growing in 3–4 weeks. Move to dirt when the roots are about 2 to 3 inches long.

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Layering Technique

Put compost in a small pot.

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Take the trailing plant, pull off the leaves, and tie it to the compost. Keep the soil damp.

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Cut off the rooted part and care for the new growth. How much a plant grows in a month depends on its type. Keep the soil damp.

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Avoid strong sun, fog, and water often. Keep the soil damp.

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