Magic Formula You Should Use For Designing A Container Garden

Green Curved Line

Arranging a container garden is quite hectic and confusing especially while selecting plants.

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It's like solving a puzzle in your mind which plants go with others and how it will look.

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But I have a solution. Just memories this simple magic formula for purchasing plants : Thriller , Spiller , Filler.

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Don't worry, it's just based on how you select plants that create the right foliage that you want.

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Thriller plants are Eye catchers , Spillers are plants hanging out of the containers and Filler plants add texture,color and structure.

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If you are selecting a thriller plant that needs direct sunlight you need spillers and filler also that can thrive in full sun.

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If you want to create a permanent display look for the species that grows together in the wild.

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Not only you have to focus on plants but containers too, it should be deep with drainage holes.

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Start creating a layout to understand how it will appear after the arrangement.

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First start with thrillers as a focal point then with spillers so they can hang freely then fillers to fill the gaps to give a lush look to your container garden.

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