Why Experts Say You Should Grow More Trees in Your Yard

Green Curved Line

Trees that we plant in our home gardens, parks, and on streets bless us with health and a healthy environment.


Deciduous trees can help you save energy costs, cutting up to 56% on annual cooling costs.

5 Benefits of Trees


Picking the right tree and developing a well-maintained landscape will increase your home value.


Having more trees in your neighborhood invites wildlife, creating a healthy environment.


 Carbon emission is a major problem that trees can help fix. 100 trees remove 53 tons of carbon dioxide.


Trees reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and help in both physical and mental restoration.


 Choose the tree carefully for your space and the soil that suits it best.

The Basics of Tree Maintenance


Plant properly and don't plant too deep. Make sure that the root flare is above the soil for proper oxygen transfer.


After losing leaves, when trees go into a dormant period, they should be trimmed in late fall or early winter.
