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5 Indoor Plants Safe For Cats And Dogs

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We are always in a hurry or excitement before purchasing a new plant.

Photo Credit :- Pexel

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But sometimes being a pet & plant parent can create problems for your walking buddies.

Photo Credit :- Pixabay

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You know that pets are curious about everything and they start chewing or eating plant leaves.

Photo Credit :- Pixabay

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That can cause different types of health issues or allergies.

Photo Credit :- Pixabay

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So here I am suggesting 5 non toxic indoor plants for your cats and dogs that you can plant without any hesitation.

Photo Credit :- Pexel

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Spider Plant

Photo Credit :- Pexel


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Boston Ferns

Photo Credit :- Pexel


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Purple Waffle Plant

Photo Credit :- Paisley plants


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African Violets

Photo Credit :- Pexel


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Paddy's Wig

Photo Credit :- Getty images


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